Sunday, October 19, 2014

Overview of Week 3

I had some conflicts that made getting TKD and Hapkido in on all three of M, W, & F but I was able to go to the Sat classes.  I also was able to run 3x a week, again not on my T, R, S schedule, but I did do them, Yeah me!!!

Wow, again eating 3 meals a day did not work out for me.  Sundays is actually a hard day to get 3 meals in since church starts at 1 pm.  I know that sounds crazy but most days I do not get lunch till 3 pm so it really feels like I am eating breakfast and then turning around and eating lunch.  Sat I didn't get it in either because I didn't want to eat breakfast and then go to a morning Hapkido class.  I think I would have made myself sick.

My husband says that he can see me slimming down and my face is looking thinner!  I just wish that I felt thinner.  I actually ran for 7 1/2 minutes.  I ran around the neighborhood.  I was wondering how far it was so I drove my route.  Turns out it was .8 of a mile.  Darn it.  But now I know what a mile is so I will at least shoot for a mile next week even though this weeks goal was just to run for 5 minutes.  When I run at TKD it is easy for me to set the time limit because I would rather time myself than try to count 30 laps on a tiny track!  So if I do run at TKD I will just go for 8 minutes I guess.

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