Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Korean Bbq

1 lb. steak, thinly sliced
1 cup Korean Bbq Sauce
1/4 cup Stir Fry Sauce
1 teaspoon crushed Red Pepper
6 cloves Garlic, minced

2 1/2 cups + 2 Tablespoons Chicken Broth or Water
1 1/2 Tablespoon Butter
1 teaspoon Salt

1 1/2 cup Jasmin Rice
1 head Broccoli florets, cut up
1/2 lb. Carrots, cut into thin sticks about 2 inches long
6 oz. Snow Peas
1/2 Onion, minced
6 cloves Garlic, minced

2 Tablespoons Oil
1/3 cup Water
2 Tablespoons Oil
1 bunch Enoki Mushrooms, washed cut end off about half way up
(Items in red bought from Asian Market)

In a large ziplock back place meat. Pour Korean Bbq sauce over meat and try to coat all the meat. Remove all the air and seal. Place in fridge and let marinate over night or at least 8 hours.

In a bowl combine stir fry sauce, crushed red pepper, and garlic. Add meat wtih bbq sauce to mixture and stir to coat with new mixture. Let sit while preparing the rest.

In a large sauce pan bring broth, butter, and salt to a boil. Add rice and stir. Cover and let simmer for 17 minutes. Fluff with a fork and set aside.

In a large bowl put broccoli, carrots, peas, onions, and garlic.

Heat wok to 350 with oil. Add veggies to wok and cook stirring for 1 minute.

Add water, cover and simmer for 4 minutes or until carrots are crisp tender. Remove veggies with a Chinese strainer back to their large bowl. Drain wok and wipe with a towel to remove water.

Add more oil and heat wok back up to 350.

Add meat and all the juices to wok. Stir fry till reach desired doneness.

Before you turn off heat add enoki mushrooms and heat just a little. They do not need much cooking. Pour meat with juices over veggies in their bowl and mix well. In individual bowls place rice and top with Korean Bbq. Serve with chop sticks!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Broccoli and Cheese

5 cups frozen Broccoli
1/3 cup Water
1 Tablespoon Butter
2 cups Cheddar Cheese
Salt and pepper

Bring the broccoli and water to a boil in a saucepan over high heat.

Reduce heat to medium, cover, and simmer for 6-7 minutes.

Stir in butter and cheese.

Season individually with salt and pepper.

Slow Cooked Pulled Pork

1 (4 lb) pork shoulder or loin any kind of lump pork that is cheap
2 (12 oz) cans root beer
1 (18 oz) bottle barbecue sauce
16 hamburger buns

Cut the pork into three sections.  Place the pork in a slow cooker.  

Pour the root beer over meat enough to cover it.

Cover and cook on high for 2 hours and then on low for 5 hours.

Remove meat from slow cooker, discard liquid.

Shred meat and place in a large bowl.

Stir in barbecue sauce.

Serve over hamburger buns.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 7

THIS week                                Week 1
Weight: 148.8 lbs                      150.4 lbs
bust: 39 in                                    39.5 in
waist: 32.5 in                                  33.5 in
tummy: 36.5 in                                 40 in
hips: 42 in                                      43 in

3x TKD
3x Hapkido
3x run 5 min
3x 25 sit ups

eat breakfast lunch and dinner
no snacking unless fruits or veggies raw
only water to drink
drink water 8x8 rule (8 oz 8x a day)
    every 2 hours starting at 6 am

Kids goals:
brush teeth 2x a day
make their bed

I still need to work on making my list habits.  So once again I will be sticking with my list.  But wow, seeing my weight and inches go up has really put a fire under me to try to succeed this week!

My kids will be sticking with their list also because they had a hard time with making their bed.  It might be because I also wanted them to clean their room if their bed was made but that is another habit so I should really just be happy with the small goal of the bed before I expect more.

Also the kids this week are going to be switching their normal chore for the next 6 months.

Laura: washing dirty dishes
Christian: putting clean dishes away
Samuel: washing dirty laundry and moving to dryer
Eric: folding and putting away clean laundry

Cross our fingers and hope their new chore is a success.  Laura and Christian did a horrible job with their old chores of the laundry.  Hopefully dishes will be a better fit for them.  But then in 6 months it will all change again.

Overview of week 6

Well this was not a successful week exercise wise.  It is just so hard to get all this exercising in when you are so busy with four children.  I did go to Taekwondo and Hapkido 2x.  However, I did not get my sit ups or running in.  They just have not become a habit for me yet and so are easy to drop when things get busy.  I am thinking about just getting everything done on M, W, & F around noon so that I can have said that I did them and not be stressed about doing something physical everyday.  That might also help me get more things done on T, R, and Sat around the house.

I still was not successful with the water amount.  I am trying, but that is really a lot of water and hard to keep track if I did it.   I am so scattered brained.  Also this week we did a taste test of three different chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches and I am sure that was not good for weight ;)  Each recipe called for 2 sticks of butter.  It will be fun to see if my thighes are huge!  Of course I only ate a quarter of two cookies and then a whole cookie from the winning cookie and that was over two days.  But the winner is not only the winner in taste it just was so much simpler to make also.  Fun.  I love testing recipes against others.  We did that with the Buttermilk Pancake recipe too and the chicken enchiladas recipe.

My husband has been getting on to me ever since I started this blog that my blog is probably the only one out there in the whole world that has healthy in the title and then has cinnamon rolls or ice cream sandwiches for recipes.  I keep telling him, "The habits are healthy, not the recipes!"  So I updated my blog description to reflect that!

We feed the Sister Missionaries from our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They asked me what my favorite scripture was and I said Psalms 37:4

 Delight thyself also in the Lordand he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

I loved that verse.  That was my favorite verse from before I joined the church when I was 21, and it continues to be my favorite verse.  I have never been led astray if I put the Lord first.  Even when I might be heading down the wrong path, He will always see me through and my feet land on the right path when I delight in Him.  What does delight mean to me, read your scriptures and apply them to your life.  It is that simple.  We read as a family and I read on my own.  I also put the conference Ensign in the bathroom so that I can read it when I am in there.  I am not perfect but I am trying to be more like Jesus.

Spanish Sausage Supper

1/2 cup Bell Pepper, chopped
1/2 cup Onion, chopped
1 Tablespoon Oil
1 lb. Kielbasa (beef) cut into 1/2 inch pieces
2 cups Water
1 can Rotel
1 box Spanish Rice w/ Vermicelli Mix

Saute bell pepper and onion in oil for about 3 minutes.

Add sausage and cook about 3 minutes.

Add remaining ingredients and stir and bring to a boil.

Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir half way through.