Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 7

THIS week                                Week 1
Weight: 148.8 lbs                      150.4 lbs
bust: 39 in                                    39.5 in
waist: 32.5 in                                  33.5 in
tummy: 36.5 in                                 40 in
hips: 42 in                                      43 in

3x TKD
3x Hapkido
3x run 5 min
3x 25 sit ups

eat breakfast lunch and dinner
no snacking unless fruits or veggies raw
only water to drink
drink water 8x8 rule (8 oz 8x a day)
    every 2 hours starting at 6 am

Kids goals:
brush teeth 2x a day
make their bed

I still need to work on making my list habits.  So once again I will be sticking with my list.  But wow, seeing my weight and inches go up has really put a fire under me to try to succeed this week!

My kids will be sticking with their list also because they had a hard time with making their bed.  It might be because I also wanted them to clean their room if their bed was made but that is another habit so I should really just be happy with the small goal of the bed before I expect more.

Also the kids this week are going to be switching their normal chore for the next 6 months.

Laura: washing dirty dishes
Christian: putting clean dishes away
Samuel: washing dirty laundry and moving to dryer
Eric: folding and putting away clean laundry

Cross our fingers and hope their new chore is a success.  Laura and Christian did a horrible job with their old chores of the laundry.  Hopefully dishes will be a better fit for them.  But then in 6 months it will all change again.

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