Thursday, January 1, 2015

2022 Grocery System

2022 Grocery System
FYI - Eggs and Chicken are $0.  You can edit those amounts to reflect your price but my website shows cost/serving with my price.

Save copy of 2022 Grocery System for you to edit.  You will only be able to view this version.

Explanation videos if you click on the links in orange.  A brief explanation follows:

ALL recipes can be found on this blog!

(Sheet 1 and 2 will be the ones you use the most often)

Sheet 1 - Planned Recipes
               Enter recipes from drop down menu.
               The cost to make the recipe will appear to the right
               If you only go to Walmart/BJ or if you are willing to shop around for the cheapest items.

Sheet 2 - Shopping List
               The ingredients for your recipes will automatically appear.
                You will only be able to edit the quantity you actually want to buy.
                Mark the ones you do not want with zeros
               In row 2 (Amount to Buy) click the arrow and filter out the zeros.
               You will now be able to see only the items you want to buy at the store.
               When you get to your desired store filter out the store you are in to only see that stores items

Sheet 3 - Options
               If you would like to add your own names for recipes, ingredients, stores, or units
               You will have to update this sheet to be able to see them on other sheets

Sheet 4 - Ingredient Prices
             Update your ingredient's price here.

Sheet 3 - Recipe Ingredients
               Update your recipes with their ingredients.