Monday, November 17, 2014

Overview week 7

This week was not to the goals only because we went to Indianapolis, IN to watch our daughter perform in the Grand National Championships for Bands of America!  It was awesome!  We got to stay with my sister Jill and see both sets of grandparents from Texas and Michigan.  I am so thankful that we have family that comes and supports us when we are doing something that we think is a big deal!  Laura's band made it to Semi Finals which is a HUGE deal!  Never before has our band made it into the Semi Finals.  There were 94 bands that performed and only 35 went on to Semi Finals.  It was a nail bitter because they didn't call our band until number 34 and then the 35th band they called was the other high school that went from Cary, NC!  How exciting that both bands made it into the Semi Finals!  This is what they got to take home for being a Semi Finalist!
So with that said, we were traveling for most of the week so it was eating out mostly.  I did get 2 days of Taekwondo and Hapkido and 2 days of running, 25 situps, and 25 pushups.  Yeah me!  Here are more pics of BOA and their Semi Final performance!

Laura is in the hot pink shirt with grey sweats. Last rehearsal before BOA

Getting ready for BOA!  Laura is the girl with her back to you holding her clarinet case by the blond near the unfiorm rack.

Laur is the very last one on the very last arch on the right towards the back of the field.

Laura is the one standing right next to the bari sax, the saxaphone that is almost has big as the boy carrying it!

Laura is right in the middle with her head REALLY tilted.

Laura is right off the 35 yard line on the inside arch that connects to the cauldron.  she is right before the straight line that goes back to the cauldron from their arch.


Laura is the really skinny one with her arms really exagerated on the 45 yard line.

Laura is in there somewhere!  Around the 45 on the right side of the field towards the front.

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