Wednesday, November 19, 2014


1/2 bag Corn Husks
MASA: (enough for about 30 tamales)
     1 cup shortening
     3 cups masa harina
     1 tsp cumin
     1 tsp Chile powder
     1 tsp salt
     2 tsp baking powder
     1 14.5 oz can beef broth
1/2 recipe Mexican Meat Mixture
1 can Rotel
1 (16 oz) Velveta

In a large bowl add very hot water to about half the depth.  Place corn husks in a large bowl making sure to separate husks so water can soak throughout the pile.

With a second slightly smaller bowl fill it to about half way with water.  Place on top of the corn husks in the water to weigh them down and let soak for 30 minutes.  Drain husks.

Fill spaghetti pot with about 2 inches of water.  Place strainer pot into spaghetti pot to make sure that the water level is not touching the strainer pot.

Line the inside of the strainer pot with foil.  It just needs to cover the bottom and up the sides a little bit.  

Meanwhile, beat the shortening for 5 minutes in a stand mixer.

Combine the masa harina with cumin, chile powder, salt, and baking powder.

Add in masa mixture to the shortening. Mix well.

Slowly add the beef broth till mixture sticks together.  You don't want it to be crumbly.

If you have a tortilla press cut a sandwich size zip lock down the sides and open it up.  Lay it on the opened tortilla press.  For every tamale use this so that it is easy to transfer to corn husks and easy clean up!

Working with one husk at a time, place about 35-40grams of Masa Dough in the center of tortilla press.  Press the dough, you want it to be about a 6 inch circle.  Place disk about 1 inch from bottom of husk.  You definitely want the whole circle to be inside the corn husk.  Sometimes I have to use two or three corn husks staggered on each other to make it wide enough to roll.  

Spoon about 2 tablespoons Mexican meat mixture down middle of dough.

Using the corn husk as your guide, fold husk over tamale, being sure to cover filling with dough. Fold bottom end of husk under. Place upright in the steamer.

This recipe should make about 30 tamales. You can cram them in.  But if you are making a bigger batch having them not so crammed is good.  You can steam the next day if gets too late in the day.  Just put in fridge till tomorrow.

Bring the 2 inches of water in a large spaghetti pot to a boil.  Put strainer basket with tamales in the pot.  Cover with lid.

Steam on the stove for 2 hours.  (I steam mine on  level 6).  About 30 minutes till end of cooking time check water level.  I typically need to add a cup of water.

At the 2 hour mark take one tamale out and see if it is cooked.  If you think it needs 30 more minutes just make sure that there is enough water in pan.  

If there are left overs you can wrap them in the aluminum foil used to cook them and freeze.  Thaw and microwave to reheat.  But reheat without sauce. The sauce will melt from the heat of the tamale or you can heat the sauce separately. 

Cheese Sauce
In a blender combine rotel and velveta.

When serving, unwrap tamales onto individual plates.  Cover with cheese sauce.

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