Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 2 observations

It was so much easier to do the 3x taekwondo and hapkido this week.  There were no other commitments that got in the way.  I guess I just have to make sure that I don't schedule too much on M, W, and F so that I will not feel too overwhelmed to get them in.  I have to decide if exercise is a priority that I will put above other activities.  I would say that in most cases I will be able to make up a class on Sat if I get busy on one day.  But I need to get into the mindset that TKD is not something to be missed or else I will find that I am willing to skip it.

Eating 3 meals a day still was a struggle.  I found myself missing a breakfast and one day I missed a lunch.  That made it so I ate at 6 am but didn't eat again till after 9 pm that night.  That cannot be healthy.  Also there was one day when I chaparoned a field trip that lasted from 8:30 am till after 3 am the next day.  That was not a good day for 3 meals.  I packed a lunch which I ate around 10 am.  Then bought Bojangles chicken strips and fries at the concession stand and then ate chips and teddy grahams at midnight as a snack on the bus.

The kids only brush their teeth when I remind them.  No habits forming there.  I do though think that I will continue reminding them and add on that they need to flush.  The punishment for not flushing has not been determined.  They get ice cream or dessert of whatever kind we are having that night if they have done both throughout the day.  I guess we will see how this will work and how will I know which of the minions didn't flush!

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