Sunday, October 26, 2014

Overview of week 4

Wow, was it hard to drink so much water a day.   I think I did good most days up till the kids came home from school and then it was just chaos and I could never remember if I had my glass of water at a certain time or not.

Exercising did not go as planned because on Wed I sprang my ankle.  So I took Thur, Fri, & Sat off to rest it.

So basically this week was a big failure.  Which means I am not adding anything else on for this coming week.  I need to work on what I have and make sure that I get back into my exercising habits because I took 3 days off (4 if you count Sun which I never do anything on because of the Sabbath!).
I had weird dreams last night that felt so real with me being dizzy.  Well, it turned out that they were not dreams and I am having dizzy spells.  Hopefully this will not keep me from working out this coming week.  But boy, I do not like the room spinning one bit.


They were not perfect but we could tell that they were really trying. They were honest when they did not brush their teeth and we gave them spot inspections with their toilets.  I think it is good to move on to more habits for them.

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