Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Grocery System

Happy  New Year!

This past year I have been using the Grocery System and have made updates to it that I think will make things a lot easier.  For one, I have only priced mainly one store, our Neighboorhood Walmart!  There were a few items that Walmart did not sell so I went to Food Lion and then the items that both Walmart and Food Lion did not sell I found at Harris Teeter!  This was done so that if you go to Harris Teeter to shop for all of your food you will just have to take into account that your food will cost more.  But if you go to Aldi's and Sam's club, or Costco, or such, your food will cost less!

Make a copy for yourself of the following link so that you can make it work for you.  You will not be able to work from the orginal, YOU HAVE TO MAKE A COPY!

Clcik on 2016 Grocery System.

Go to the File Tab and select Make A Copy

Then you can rename it to suite your needs!

You can see that I added the Calendar directly to the Planning sheet so that you do not have to jump back and forth between sheets.  When a month is completed you can select those rows, do not select the top two rows though, and delete them to shift up the next month.

Note: Click on the categories on my website and you will see that I have added a section that tells you how much everything costs.  Some even have about how many servings they are.

Hope you enjoy!

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