Sunday, November 2, 2014

Overview week 5

This has been the worst week by far.  I only exercised once and that was on Sat and that was just for a forms class becasue I wanted to take it easy.  I have been dizzy all week.  I do not know what is wrong with me.  This happened 4 months ago but I was exercising and thought I just over did it.  However, this time the dizziness wakes me up from my sleep.  I feel foggy while standing but mostly when I am laying down the room starts spinning.  I can feel it even with my eyes closed.  Brian said that on Sunday I had a fever.  I hate going to the Dr. and have yet again not gone.  I am sure this has something to do with my periods.  The last time I got this I started soon after.  I have low blood platelets and low blood pressure.  I wonder if those have anything to do with it?

Oh well, but because of that I was in no way going to exercise and make the vertigo worse.  Then I snacked a few times, and I was really bad about getting enough water.  SO, I guess this week I am just going to try to do all the things that I should have done last week but vertigo got in the way.  I am telling you I in no way like how it feels to be dizzy.   It is HORRIBLE!

The kids are doing better.  Thanks to Halloween we now have really good incentives for them to get into their healthy habits!

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