Sunday, September 28, 2014


currently I am:

Weight 150 lbs.
Bust 39 in
Waist 33.5 in (tummy under waist is 40 in)
Hips 43 in.

Mind you I have had 4 children.  I will always have rolls and it is really hard to accept that with age my tummy may never be flat again.  Even when I lay down it does not sink in past my hip bones.  My skin just got too stretched out with bringing four people into the world.  The first pregnancy I gained 40 lbs.  Then the next two I gain 50 lbs. each time.  And the last I gained 60 lbs.  I was always able to loose it within 3 months of delivery but now it is catching up with me.

My goal is to start with one eating habit (1-10) and one exercise habit (11-16) and work on it for at least a week before moving on to adopting another habit.

1. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can only eat out if you are traveling.  Make your own meals.

2. Only snack on raw fruits and veggies throughout the day with no dipping sauce

3. Eat smaller portions and never seconds

4. Do not eat after 9 pm

5. Only eat desert if it comes before 9 pm

6. Only drink water

7. Drink 8 oz of water every two hours starting at 6 am till 8 pm.  This will abide by the 8x8 rule

8. Go to bed by 10 pm and I mean lights out asleep

9. Wake up 5:35 am.

10. Nap for either 20 min, 45 min, or no longer than 90 min.

according to Jennifer Ackerman from

"Getting even the briefest nap is better than nothing...Naps make you brainier, healthier, safer...A short afternoon catnap of 20 minutes yields mostly Stage 2 sleep, which enhances alertness and concentration, elevates mood, and sharpens motor skills...Naps of up to 45 minutes may also include rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which enhances creative thinking and boosts sensory least 90 minutes, will limit sleep inertia by allowing you to wake from REM sleep."

(Exercise routine can change to keep interesting or progressing differently than thought you would.)

11. Go to Taekwondo 3x a week, typically M,W, & F.

12.  Go to Hapkido 3x a week typically M,W, & F.

13. run starting for 5 minutes 3x a week.  Increase by 1 minutes each week up to 20 minutes.  Okay if you split running up in 2 sessions in one day after you have reached 10 min goal.

14.  Do 25 sit ups 3x a week.  Increase by 5 each week.  Okay to do 2 seesions after you have reached 50 goal.

15. Do 10 push up 3x a week.  Increase by 2 each week.  Okay to do 2 sessions after you have reached 20 push up goal.

16.  Lift weights 2x a week typically T & Th.  Start from lowest weight and do up to 15 reps before you move on to heavier weight.  

With this all said it is imporant that you know that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon.  Therefore it goes without saying that in my healthy habits that I have already developed are:

1. No smoking

2. No drinking alcohol 

3. No tea or coffee

4. No drugs

5. No rated R movies (healthy minds)

6. No caffeine.  This is a misconception of Mormons that we do not drink caffeine.  There is nothing in our scriptures that says, No caffeine.  It states in the Doctrine and Covenants 89:9, "And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly."  We take that to be Tea and Coffee not caffeine.  However, in our family we believe in not partaking in adictive substances and caffeine is one.  
If you would like to see more on our church's Word of Wisdom you can visit

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