Sunday, October 5, 2014

week 1 overview

I thought that doing something as simple as attending 3 Taekwondo classes a week and eating 3 meals a day would be a sinch.  Boy was I wrong.  This week was crazy with marching band.  Unless I wanted to be stressed out, which I do not think is healthy, I had to give myself a break and not attend one of my TKD classes.  But what really surprised me is how busy I am in the mornings.  There were two days when it was 11 am and I went oh I should eat breakfast.  Then 20 minutes later Brian was like I need to eat lunch now, so I ate lunch right away.  Then there were two days when I just gave up and only ate lunch and dinner.  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I wake up for 3-4 hours but don't eat because I go back to bed for 2 more hours and wake up at 10:30 am and forget about breakfast till it is time for lunch.  Since I am Mormon I do not get the luxury of coffee and I tire myself out everyday just a few hours into the day.

So, should I stay with trying to get these two goals perfect or move on to more challenging goals?  I think that because I do hapkido right after TKD I am going to add that one in.  And I think I am going to add in no snacking except for fresh fruits and veggies.  I do not think that will be too difficult.  But who knows!

As for the kids.  Boy do they need more work on brushing their teeth 2x a day.  I think we will just keep them on that for this coming week.

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