Monday, December 22, 2014

Soft Boiled Eggs

Use as many eggs as you want to boil
Small pad of Butter
Salt and Pepper to taste

Use a pot that is just big enough to place all eggs in a single layer.  Pour water over eggs till it is about an inch above the eggs.  Remove eggs and place on a plate so they don't roll away.

Put a lid on the pot and bring water to a boil.

After brought to a boil, add eggs to pot using a Chinese strainer.  lower temperature slightly (around 6) and continue boiling for 6.5 minutes.  

Drain water.  Run eggs under cold water and drain several times.

To open egg hit forcefully with a knife in the middle of the egg.  Scoop out egg using knife closely to shell and put in an individual bowl.  Cut up egg in bowl.  We like to use little ramekin type bowls for each person.

Serve eggs with butter, salt, and pepper.

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