Monday, October 10, 2016


2 Flour Tortillas
1/2 cup shredded Cheese
2 Tablespoons Sour Cream
2 Tablespoons Salsa

Heat griddle to 250.

Place 2 tortillas flat on the griddle.  Touch them with your fingers 30 seconds to 1 minute after putting on and if hot turn over using finger tips or spatula.

Sprinkle 1/4 cup of cheese on top of tortilla, really spread it out so no clumps.

Wait for cheese to melt.  Remove with a spatula to a warm plate (or you can fold in half with spatula and remove to a plate)

We love the crunchy tortillas this makes for any dish requiring flour tortillas.

In a small bowl mix the sour cream and salsa together till smooth.  Spread on quesadillas or as a dip.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Atonement in my life

I have been pondering these past few months the Atonement.  We have been asked to read the scriptures with this thought always in mind and look for the Atonement in the scriptures.  I have to admit that I do read with this in mind but I am not very good at marking them, but I do ponder them.  A few months ago I was asked to teach a lesson in Relief Society on a talk given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks called Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Here is the link:

I have learned that the Atonement has been working in my life.  Over 6 years ago I noticed that I was unhappy.  I didn't understand why.  I was going to church, reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, going to the temple.  I was doing everything I was suppose to be doing but I was getting more and more unhappy.  I would cry out to the Lord, "Why?  Why am I feeling this way?  I have not sinned!  I am not a horrible person!  Take this feeling away from me.  Help me to love my family, to love my husband, to feel joy!"  Nothing happened.  This went on for over a year.  I was becoming so miserable.  I didn't understand why the church was so focused on the family and being together forever.  At that point in my life I was not in a place where I wanted to be with this family for eternity.

I finally got to the point where I was in the temple in the Celestial Room and I was not going to leave until the Lord helped me.  I knew that sometimes the Lord doesn't answer prayers right away but I had been praying this same prayer for almost 2 years and it was time to be answered.  I also know that the Lord doesn't always answer prayers the way you think they should be answered.  So when I got my prompting I was very confused.  I was in the celestial room of the temple and got the very distinct feeling that I needed to hand my journal over to my husband.  That was it.  I left the temple and on the ride home couldn't understand why the Lord would answer my prayer in such a way that would lead to divorce, and answer it that way in the temple!  In my mind that was where this was heading if I acted on this prompting.

I immediately took Brian to a park and told him that we were heading for divorce, not because I wanted one but the Lord told me to have you read my journal and you would want one after reading it.  Unbeknownst to me during this time that I was spiraling downward Brian was being uplifted.  He was feeling more and more love for me and the family.  So when he read my journal he said that he had never felt so close to me and that we would get through this.  Looking back on that incident I realized what the Lord was really doing was trying to tell me to share myself with my husband.  I keep things in and let them fester.  I am constantly thinking and pondering but not sharing.

There was one incident where I woke up one day and sat straight up in bed and said, "I am buying a clarinet!"  I told Brian that for the past 5 years I have wanted to learn the clarinet and today I was going to buy one and that was that.  Brian was like, "WHAT!  Where did this come from?  I didn't even know you were interested in a musical instrument!"  To him I just woke up one day and insisted on a clarinet purchase.  I had never given him any inclination of my desire to learn the clarinet EVER!

Since this crazy prompting to share my journal I have learned to express myself to my husband.  I was able to tell him about my desire to go back to school and get my MBA.  He even did it with me!  What a great experience that was for us as a couple.  It really helped me to speak to Brian.  We had to talk everyday about things that were going on in our coursework.  Every class we insisted on being put on the same team which enabled us to have to work together on the same papers which taught me to always go to him with ideas and questions and work together to accomplish a goal every week of writing a group paper.  It was amazing!

It also made it possible for me to be able to talk to Brian immediately about a prompting I had during Sacrament Meeting about having another child and not waiting 3-5 years to tell him.  I was listening to a friend of mine, Ellen, give a talk on families when I got this distinct feeling like the Holy Ghost was whispering in my ear that I needed to have another child.  Now I was VERY vocal on how I didn't want to have anymore children.  4 was more than enough for me.  Why in the world would I want another child when I felt like I couldn't even handle the four that I had!  I thought this was crazy and felt like I was trying to shoo away the Holy Ghost and brush him off my shoulder!  I was wanting to listen to my friend give a talk I did not want to have a discussion about another baby!  But the voice kept on insisting that I have another child.  And I kept on insisting that that voice go AWAY!  Then the voice was like, "Don't you want another little girl?"  And I was like, "Ahhhh!"  With a little quiver of my bottom lip.  "Don't you want to name her ________!"  And I almost broke down and cried!  Yes! Maybe I do.

So that night before bed I sat Brian down and I told him about what happened to me during Sacrament Meeting.  We both laughed so hard we were crying.  We both didn't want any more children and we both didn't want to act on this prompting.  Brian was like, "Good one Barbara!"  By the end of our conversation Brian informed me that having kids was always up to me and I should do whatever.  He was fine with any decision I would make.

The next day I kept looking at the clock.  I knew that I did not want to make a phone call that would set up an appointment to get my IUD out.  My answer was a resounding NO to this have another baby prompting!  But when 5 o'clock came around and I knew that the Dr. office was closed I broke down in tears with the realization that I did not immediately act on a prompting from the Holy Ghost.  I was inconsolable.   I made a deal with God.  If this was really what you wanted me to do then let there be a spot available for me in the next few days so that I would not have to wait and change my mind.  When I made the appointment it was for the next day!

So there I was getting my IUD out and really really not wanting another baby.  I was getting my MBA and working towards my first Black Belt.  I was busy and getting things done I didn't have time for a baby!  Every month I was sooooo relieved when I got my period.  6 months had gone by and no baby.  I always had it in the back of my mind.  Brian and I decided to go to a fertility clinic to get injections to move the process along because I didn't want to wait 3-5 years and find out I was having trouble with getting pregnant.  I was not going to go that far to have a baby.  Getting hormone injections was as far as I was willing to take this prompting.  Well, the Dr. informed us that the injections would be of no use because I wasn't making follicles anymore.  Whatever that means.  Apparently you need follicles for egg development or transportation and because I was not making any I couldn't get pregnant unless we did in-vitro.  Yeah, that was NOT going to happen.  I listened to the spirit long enough if this was going to happen it would happen on it's own.  Heavenly Father already proved he could with the virgin Mary!  He didn't need my help!

So the first year every single month I was like, "few!" (you know when you are so glad that something didn't happen, don't know the spelling for that)  No baby!!!!  Kept on going with my life.  Got my MBA and tested for not 1 but 2 black belts!  The second year I kept it in the back of my mind but was too busy with life to care to much.  But then the third year came around.  I was done with my MBA I was done with testing for black belts I was more aware of this prompting not happening.  It got to point that I was kind of sad every month when the period would come and I wasn't pregnant.  I started to feel like I was missing out.  My heart started to break a little each month  when the pregnancy test would not show positive.

On Labor Day of 2015 I broke down and cried.  I went to the Lord and I said I couldn't do this anymore.  I was sorry that I didn't react immediately with getting the IUD removed, I waited a whole day to set up an appointment!  I said that I understood.  Maybe I wasn't suppose to have another baby, maybe the IUD was hurting me in some way and getting that prompting about a little girl was the only way I was going to get it removed.  But I could not take another month of heartbreak.  That was what it had come to.  Every month was a feeling of such loss and despair.  I literally could not take it anymore.  I had one more pregnancy test and that was it.  I would go and get an IUD put back in.  I didn't understand why He had taken me from a state of not wanting kids to a state where I was heartbroken every month because I was not pregnant.  I could do this no more!  I asked for forgiveness for not being able to take it any more but I would use this last pregnancy test.  It was positive!  I was overcome with joy!!!  I was pregnant!

I immediately put a plan together to tell Brian!  Unbeknownst to me Brian had put this whole situation out of his head.  When the Dr. told us I wouldn't be having any more children because of no follicle production Brian was like, "Cool, no more kids!"  and immediately forgot about my prompting from the Holy Ghost!  He had no idea the struggle that I had been going through with thinking I was still suppose to have a baby.  I guess I still have some ways to go with the communication department!

So Brian's reaction was priceless!  I got one of our friends to come over and video me telling Brian that I was pregnant.  Brian was helping me with weight lifting at our neighborhood gym.  I decided to make a sign that said the gym was closed and wouldn't be open till my real Labor Day, May 10, 2016!  In my head it was a good idea and funny!  We taped the sign up to the entrance to the clubhouse and taped Tom's phone kind of hidden by the bar that you push to open the door to record Brian.  We walk up to the door and Brian reads the sign and is like, "What, that cannot be right, just ignore it.  This isn't for us."  He kept wanting me to just open the door, you cannot close the gym it is always open!  I had to tell him it was for us.  That I was pregnant!  He didn't quite know what to do about this news.  Our friends were like congratulations!  And Brian was just in shock!  He was really quiet for our work out.  I just did the elliptical.

When we got back to the house he took a shower and just laid in bed for a few hours!  When he finally spoke he grabbed me by the shoulders and said in a panicky voice, "I'll be 60 when he graduates from college!"  Then with a panicked expression he says with eyes bugging out, "What if he doesn't leave when he turns 18!"

As the pregnancy went along Brian got more and more excited about it.  I have to admit that even though I knew this was coming and I was actually pregnant I wasn't holding my breath until I was holding a baby.  So many things could go wrong.  But we got our bundle of joy 2 weeks early!  Brian insisted that I know that sex of the baby just in case it came out a boy so that I would not be disappointed on a glorious day of his birth because I was expecting a girl.  It took a lot of convincing but I finally gave in by the time we went in for the ultra sound.  I held out hope though until the very end because he would not move his legs for over an hour.  It hurt so much getting that ultra sound because they were trying to get him to move his legs but he was stubborn!  The umbilical cord was between his legs and he was folded in half with his legs crossed.  There was no way he was going to make this easy for me.  So I kept thinking there was an 80-20 chance it was a girl!  But I have to say, if the Holy Ghost had said that there was another little boy waiting for us I can tell you with 100% certainty I would have laughed in his face and immediately made an appointment for Brian to get fixed, can anyone say vasectomy!

Since our little Daniel Charles Dale has been born everyone keeps telling me how happy I look.  My own kids think that I love Daniel more than them.  It was so sad, Eric came up to me and said, "Mom I understand that you love Daniel the most now, but you love me next best right?"  No, that is not what is going on at all.  He just needs so much attention.  Like for the first 3 months I didn't get any sleep because the little stinker would choke all the time.  He was silent about it because when you are choking you cannot yell out.  What a horrible 3 months of trying to not be too far from your baby or being too asleep so that when he choked you could be there to turn him upside down and slam your palm into his back to help out.  SO glad that phase is over with!

So back to my point of the atonement in my life.  On Monday, Aug 29th, I asked the Lord about the Atonement in my life.  I knew that the Atonement would be in effect for me when I died.  I was not some horrible sinner that had to repent of some horrible sin and have the Atonement take affect that way.  I know that the Atonement is suppose to take affect in our lives not just after we die, so how was it in my life?  His answer, it has always been in my life, I just needed to accept it and let it take affect.  I was like, "Huh?"  He took me on a little reminder of my past experiences over the last 6 years.  He said that when I was despairing I was not letting the Atonement have an affect on me.  It wasn't until I was willing with a broken heart and a contrite spirit to do what he knew I needed to do to bring me back to joy did I let the Atonement have an affect on me.

He said, "Barbara, I suffered not only for the sins of the world but so that I would know how to succor my people.  I suffered so that I would know how to succor you when you needed me.  I knew what you needed to do to get you out of your suffering, your misery, your despair.  I knew that you needed to open up to your husband.  I knew that you needed to have another child, boy or girl, to help you develop a love for your whole family and see that having your family for eternity is worth everything!  You let the Atonement have an affect on your life because you listened to the Holy Ghost no matter how crazy the prompting sounded!  The world would never have told you to hand over your journal to your husband to draw you two closer.  The world would have never told you to have another baby because to them 4 is more than enough!  But I am not of the world.  I knew you needed this and I am so proud of you for acting on my promptings!"

I recognize that the Lord took me from my misery, my despair, my suffering, that I apparently was causing to myself, and brought me into joy, happiness, and love.  I radiate joy, happiness, and love, not because I have a baby, but because the Lord knew me, knew what I needed to have true joy, and I allowed it to take affect in my life.  My joy comes from the Lord in every way!  I am so grateful for my savior.  That He is not only my savior when I die and get resurrected, but he is my savior now, to bring me true joy in this life.  I love him so.  I love my family so.  I am just overflowing with joy!  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

B.E.L.T. (Bacon Egg Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich!)

Bacon cooked crisp
Egg, fried in bacon grease

Lightly toast bread.

Spread mayo on the inside of both slices. 

layer bacon, egg, lettuce and tomato on bread.

Put other bread on top!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

baby Favorites!

Just a week out of having a baby and there are some really great front runners for my favorite things to have around for the baby!  In no particular order:

Maternity dresses


Owl night light (I use it to walk around house at night and can shine it right up next to baby and not disturb him!)

Wet/dry bag (I like it because it is large enough to fit a changing pad, diapers, and change of baby clothes along with a pocket to put dirty clothes in if needed.  When you need to change baby out and about you just grab this and you have all your supplies!)

Changing pad

Burp rags (these are not impressive until you wash them and then they are just lovely!)

diaper bags


Wet wipe warmer


Layette gowns with hand covers


Hospital gown


Nursing robe


Disposable nursing pads

Wash cloths (softest ever!)

backpack purse - vera bradley!

glider with ottoman

Changing table with drawer


Changing pad

Changing pad cover


diapers - new born

Nursing bracelet (I got it with the cover, but I have not used the cover yet because I have not gone outside of the house yet ;)  But I LOVE the bracelet.  It is so helpful.  I know there is probably some app out there for this for your phone but I do not always have my phone.  I always have my wrist though!  It has sliding windows on the bracelet so that you can mark the time you fed your baby.  Then it has left on one side and right on the other so you just have to flip it to show you which side to nurse on next feeding.  LOVE IT!!!!


Rocker - A friend of mine bought this for me.  I thought that because I had a swing with my other kids that is what I would want.  But no, this is the perfect place to let baby rest!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Fried Rice

3 1/2 cups chicken broth
3 Tablespoons Butter
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups Jasmin Rice
6 eggs, scrambled with a little salt and pepper
4 cups mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, celery, broccoli, peppers, green onions, spinach, kale, cauliflower, or corn; the more variety the better)
2 Tablespoons oil
2 large cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 cup Water
1 Tablespoons Sesame Oil
2 Tablespoon Frank's Red Hot Sauce
1/2 cup Soy Sauce
1-2 cups diced ham or shredded chicken, if desired

Bring chicken broth, butter and salt to a boil.  Add rice, stir, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.  

Cook Scrambled eggs.

While rice is cooking, cut vegetables.  I like to heat wok to 350.  Add oil and garlic.  Add veggies and cook stirring for 1 minute.
Add water, cover and simmer for 4 mintues.  

Add cooked rice and scrambled eggs.  Stir in Sesame oil, Frank's and soy sauce.  Add chicken and stir.

Note: Sam's club sells a package of fresh Teriyaki Stir Fry veggies with chow mein noodles and cashews for $3.99  It is just the right size for half of this recipe and is really yummy without all the work of washing and cutting the veggies.  Here is what I do with this option.

2 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 Tablespoon Butter
1 teaspoon Salt
1 1/2 cups Jasmin Rice
1 bag Teriyaki Stir Fry veggies from Sam's Club
2 Tablespoons Oil
2 Large Cloves Garlic, minced
1/3 cup Water
Teriyaki sauce packet
1 cup shredded chicken, if desired
4 eggs, scrambled with a little salt and pepper
1 Tablespoons sesame oil
1/4 cup Soy Sauce

Bring chicken broth, butter, and salt to a boil.   Add rice.  Stir, cover, and simmer for 17 minutes.

While rice is cooking, stir fry veggies in oil and garlic.  I like to heat up the wok to 350 with oil.  Add veggies to wok and cook stirring for 1 minute.

Add water, cover and simmer  for 4 minutes.

Stir in Teriyaki sauce nad chicken if desired.  Add cooked rice and scrambled eggs.

Stir in Sesame oil and soy sauce.

Note:  If using Kale, remove thick center steam all the way up the leaf, then chop leave.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

Strawberry Shortcake

2 lbs Strawberries, hulled and cut up
1/2 cup Sugar
1 lb store bought cake any flavor
         Bundt or Pound Cake
1/2 gallon Vanilla Ice Cream or
         Ready Whip or cool whip

Mix strawberries with sugar and set aside in fridge for 2 hours so juices form.

Slice cake.  I like to put two slices per serving.

Add ice cream or cool whip on top of cake slices.

Spoon strawberries with their juices on top of everything.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


baking powder$0.998.1oz
basmati rice$4.7910cup
beef broth$1.1932oz
brownie mix$0.851ct
Canned biscuits$0.991ct
Cherry Pie Filling$1.691ct
chicken broth$1.1932oz
chili sauce$0.951ct
Cool Whip$0.791ct
cream cheese$0.791ct
diced ham$2.992.25cup
egg noodles$1.091ct
evaporated milk$0.651ct
frozen Raspberries$1.851ct
ground beef$2.791lb
instant vanilla pudding$0.491ct
Italian Hot sausage$2.491ct
masa harina$1.954lb
mushroom stem/pi$0.551ct
orange juice concentrate$1.191ct
sourdough bread$2.591ct
Strawberry Jelly$1.7918oz
Sweet Relish$1.1932T
vanilla ice cream$3.99144oz
yellow cake mix$0.851ct

Hash Browns

Baked potato, left over, cooled
1 Tablespoon Butter
salt and pepper to taste

Shred an already baked and cooled potato.

Heat a cast iron pan with butter till it melts on medium high heat, I use level 7.

Sprinkle the shredded potatoes on the pan trying to not let any be separated from the bunch.  You want an even layer, not a mound.  Press with the back of the spatula.

Cook for 4 minutes.

I like to divide the layer into quarters to make it easier to flip when it gets close to the end of the four minutes.

Flip and sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired.  Be careful because they should already be salty from the baking process.

Cook for 4 minutes.

Note: If making more than one batch of hash browns, wipe cast iron pan clean and let cool for a minute or two before starting the next batch.  If not they will look like they were burned from the previous butter, still edible just not as nice to look at.

Also yummy if you cook with with some sliced green onions mixed in with the shredded potatoes!  

Note:  If making a large batch you can also use a griddle. Heat to 350 and follow same instructions.

Baked Potatoes

Baking potato, I like Russett

olive oil
Kosher salt
1 stick Butter, softened
1 cup Sour Cream
2 cups Cheese
1 bunch Green Onions
2 lb. Bacon

Preheat the oven to 400.

Scrub the potato

Pierce the skin several times with a fork or steak knife.

Rub the skin with olive oil.

Take a pinch of salt and rub over the whole potato making sure to place it on the baking sheet with the pierced side up.

Bake for 1 hour.

The potatoes will be ready to eat the moment they come out of the oven, so time the rest of your meal accordingly.

Take the potatoes out of the oven and use a thick, dry, clean dish towel to pick up a potato (warning: it's hot). Then slam the potato down on the counter; The potato should burst open, revealing the fluffy and steaming interior. You don't want to smash it so hard that hot potato pieces go flying across the kitchen, but you'll need to use enough force to really disrupt the insides and tear open the skin. It's totally normal for the potato to lose its shape in the process — that just means it's extra fluffy, and you can gently push it back together a little to serve.

Top with desired toppings such as butter, sour cream, cheese, green onions, and bacon.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta

Seasoning Mixture:
     1 teaspoon salt
     1 teaspoon garlic powder
     1 1/4 teaspoon paprika
     1/2 teaspoon black pepper
     1/2 teaspoon onion powder
     1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 
     1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
     1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

Chicken and Pasta:
     1/2 rotisserie chicken, shredded
     1 lb fettuccine noodles
     2 teaspoons oil
     2 bell peppers, any color, sliced into thin strips
     1 yellow onion, cut into thin half moon slices

     1 tablespoon butter
     2 cloves garlic, finely minced
     4 ounces cream cheese, softened
     1 cup milk
     1/2 cup chicken broth
     1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
     1/2 jar Alfredo Sauce
     1 cup shredded parmesan
     Salt and pepper to taste

Mix together all the seasoning spices in a small bowl and toss all but 1 teaspoon of the mixture with the shredded chicken, reserving the 1 teaspoon for later..

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the noodles according to package directions.

While the noodles are boiling, heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium to medium-high heat. Add the peppers and onions. Sprinkle the reserved spice mixture over the top and cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring often, until the onions are softened. Right before veggies are done add shredded chicken and toss.  Remove to a large mixing bowl.  

Return the skillet to the heat and make the sauce by adding the butter and garlic. Stir constantly for 30 seconds or so until the garlic is fragrant. Add the cream cheese in large pieces and whisk or stir until smooth and thick.

In a large liquid measuring cup, whisk together the milk, broth and cornstarch until well combined.  Gradually pour this mixture into the skillet, whisking vigorously to avoid lumps. Bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring constantly, and cook for 2-3 minutes until the sauce is slightly thickened.   Add the Alfredo Sauce and parmesan cheese and stir till cheese is melted.  Add salt and pepper to taste 

Add the chicken, peppers and onions and stir to coat with sauce. Remove from the heat.

Once the noodles are finished cooking, drain and add to the bowl with the veggies and chicken mixture.  Pour the sauce mixture over the top and toss to coat everything with sauce. Serve immediately, garnishing with green onions, if desired.

Creamy Chicken and Quinoa Cordon Bleu Casserole

2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 cup chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup quinoa, rinsed well and drained
1/2 rotisserie chicken, shredded
1 cup chopped deli ham (or leftover ham of any sort)
1/2 cup shredded Swiss cheese
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1 head broccoli, chopped into bite-size pieces
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

Preheat the oven to 375. 

Lightly grease a 9X13-inch pan with cooking spray.

In a large bowl, stir together the soup, broth, salt, pepper, quinoa, chicken, ham, Swiss cheese and Monterey Jack cheese.

Spread the mixture evenly in the prepared pan. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. 

Remove the casserole from the oven, uncover, and give it a good stir. Return to the oven and bake uncovered for about 10 more minutes.

While the casserole bakes, steam the broccoli for 5 minutes on stovetop.  

Stir the broccoli into the casserole, sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on top and bake for another 10 minutes until the quinoa is plump and tender and the edges are golden and bubbling.

Remove the casserole from the oven and let sit for 5-10 minutes before serving. This is really important as it will help the casserole to firm up and also make sure the quinoa is completely tender. Serve warm - don't wait too terribly long to serve it as it gets less creamy the longer it sits

Baked Penne with Chicken, Broccoli and Mozzarella

1 Tablespoon Salt
1 bunch broccoli, stalks cut off,
        florets trimmed into 1-inch pieces
1 lb penne pasta
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 medium onion, minced
6 medium garlic cloves, finely minced
1 teaspoon dried thyme
¼ cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
1 jar Alfredo Sauce
1/2 Rotisserie Chicken, shredded
8 ounce jar oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped into pieces
3 cups mozzarella, shredded, divided

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and make sure the oven rack is placed in the middle of the oven. In a large pot, bring the water for the pasta to a boil. Stir in one tablespoon salt and the broccoli. The broccoli cooks quickly so stay close! Cook the broccoli for 1 minute, until it is bright green. Quickly remove the broccoli with a slotted spoon to a plate. Return the water to a boil and add the pasta and cook until al dente, about 1-2 minutes less than how you would eat it normally (it will cook a bit more in the oven while baking). Drain the pasta in a colander and toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Leave it in the colander and set it aside.

Wipe the pot dry. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and return to medium heat until shimmering. Add the onion and cook until softened and beginning to brown, about 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic and thyme; cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add the flour, salt and pepper, and cook, stirring constantly, until golden, about 1 minute. Slowly whisk in the broth, cream, and Alfredo sauce; bring to a simmer, whisking often. Add the chicken, sun-dried tomatoes and 1 cup of mozzarella.

Add the cooked pasta and broccoli to the sauce; stir to combine. Transfer the pasta mixture to the prepared baking dish and sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella. Bake until the casserole is bubbling and the crumbs are lightly browned, about 15 minutes. Serve immediately.