Thursday, April 30, 2015

Honey Wheat Bread

1 1/2 cups warm water 
6 Tablespoons honey, divided
2 1/4 teaspoons yeast
1 1/2 tablespoons melted butter
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
softend butter
1 stick hard butter

In a stand mixer bowl, combine warm water, 3 Tablespoons honey.  Sprinkle yeast on top and let stand for 10 minutes.

Add 3 Tablespoons of honey, melted butter, 2 cups white flour, and salt.  Stir on medium speed till well combined. 

Slow down mixer to slowest setting and gradually add 1 cup of whole wheat flour.  Let mix for about 3-5 minutes till well combined.  I like to increase speed a little after the flour is added.  I also scrap down the sides of the bowl with a rubber scrapper when needed.

Slow down the mixer again and slowly add the last cup of whole wheat flour.  Turn back up to medium speed and combine till dough no longer clings to the bowl. 

Turn out onto floured surface and knead for 7-8 minutes, I use wheat flour.  I also use about 1/2 cup flour to begin with and gradually add more trying not to add over 1 cup in total and none during the last 1-2 minutes of kneading.  

Place back in mixing bowl and coat the surface with softened butter. Cover with a dishtowel.

Let rise in a warm place until doubled in size.  I like to boil a small pot of water and place it in the bottom of the oven.  Place the dough to rise on the rack right above and shut the oven door.  Let rise for 1 hour.

Punch down, and divide into 2 loaves.  I use a scale to measure the divided halves to make sure they are equal.

Place in greased 9 x 5 inch loaf pans.  Rub top with soft butter.  Cover again with towel.

Allow to rise until dough has topped the pans by one inch.  I place back in the oven but do not reboil the water.  Takes about 30 minutes to rise.  Then I leave it in there a little longer while oven heats up.

Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.

Turn bread out onto cooling rack immediately.

Lightly brush the whole loaves with stick butter.  Should take about half a stick.  I kept the other half of the butter wrapped to hold onto.

Cool completely.  Wrap in cling wrap.

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